Good Day

bananasToday was a pretty good day.  Two out of the three public restrooms I stopped in, had Xlerator hand dryers, (the spelling’s right, I looked it up).  Man I freakin’ love those things!  My hands were completely dry before the timer ran out!  At the second hand dryer, I even had time to notice that if you put your palms loosely together, under the Xlerator, you can make a really funny noise that is appropriate for the surroundings.  The other restroom I stopped in had an automatic towel dispenser which worked, so that was ok.  Of course, the towels came out too short, so I had to get two.  By the time the second towel was dispensed, an older gentleman had rushed past me, gone into a stall and locked the door.  Needless to say, my hands were still a little damp when I left that restroom.

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